Saturday, April 26, 2008

way to go me!

I went to my weight watchers meeting today, and I lost 3 pounds! And the coolest thing about this is that it has only been 5 days since my last weigh-in, not 7. See, I went to my first meeting on Monday because I had a half day at work. But I normally can't do that because their latest meeting is at 6 and I don't get off of work until 6:30 on Mondays, so there is a problem. So my normal meeting day will be on Saturdays. Hence, only 5 days since my last weigh-in. I'm proud. My roommate asked me if I took "a large dump" before I went. haha!

P.S. how hot is the "Take Home Chef" aka Curtis Stone? Sooo hot!! Want to touch the hiney! woot woot.

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