Tuesday, April 22, 2008

day one

I joined weight watchers. I don't remember if I mentioned that. I went to my first meeting, and today was my first day on the point system. It was fine. I honestly at the same way that I eat every other day of the week. I didn't change anything, just to see how many "points" i was eating. I came in one point under my minimum, which is 24. I think that my main problem is that I'll eat super well and then splurge on chinese food or something equally bad for me. Ok, honestly, it's pretty much just chinese food. haha! So anyway, we'll see how that goes too. I won't normally go to my meetings on Mondays b/c the latest one is at 6pm and I don't even get off work until 6:30. So I guess I'll go on Saturdays. I have to say I was surprised that the majority of the people at the meeting were "normal sized" people. Anyway, I hope it goes well.

Tomorrow is the movie "not date" with eharmony guy. Details to follow :)

If anyone is reading, please comment!

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